Monday, April 05, 2010

Another miscarriage...

It's been months since I posted last, so if you only know me through this blog then you don't know that I found out March 17th that I was pregnant. We found out today that the pregnancy is not viable, and I should be miscarrying any day now.

My hormone levels just weren't what they needed to be, so my doctor scheduled an ultrasound for this morning. I should be 8 weeks along, but there was nothing on the ultrasound. No sac. No baby. No nothing.

We're so sad, but hopeful for next time. I should begin bleeding in a few days as my body gets rid of whatever is there. Once I have a normal period, I will start Clomid again with some hormone therapy. The doctor is so optimistic, so that helps give us hope. Plus, he is a Christian man who prays for and with us and who shares his faith with his patients. I feel like I'm really cared for well.

Losing this pregnancy feels so different from our first miscarriage. Last summer we had multiple ultrasounds where we were able to see the baby moving and thriving - heart beating and everything. This time we didn't have that. We know that a baby didn't actually form this time, so although it's sad that this pregnancy isn't going to work out, we really don't feel as though a life has been lost - just the possibility of one.

Thanks for all your prayers...this is so hard for us to understand, but we know that God is looking after us.


Amy said...

I am so very, very sorry for your loss.

Dana said...

Oh Katie I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.

Abby said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I understand the longing for a child and the loss (if only for a week) of one. I will be praying for you both. God will never give you more than you can handle. He has a plan! Cling to that in these days.

Do you know if your Dr. will be putting you on Estradiol and projesterone supposetories? That's what I took with the clomid. They were supposed to boost hormone levels.

Katie Kermeen Swisher said...

Thanks girls...your support means so much!

Abby, I will have to ask him exactly what he plans to put me on. We talked about doing progesterone once I get pregnant again, but I'm wondering if it will be beneficial for me to be on it as we are trying to conceive. Couldn't hurt, right? I've never heard of estradiol though. I'll have to ask.

Julie said...

Loving you on my knees, sweet friend...